1)Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/
2)Mozilla Firefox.
3)Blogger. http://www.blogger.com/
4)Wikipedia. http://www.wikipedia.org/
5)Google Chrome. This is an applicantion you can download on the google website.
6)Youtube. Website for viewing videos posted by people all around the world(bet you knew that :D) http://www.youtube.com/
7)Twitter. http://www.twitter.com/
8)MSN. A programme for chatting with your family and friends.
9)Windows Live.
10)Yahoo. http://m.sg.yahoo.com/ (dont need to explain what this is :D)
My favourtite application is......
I like Facebook the most because I can chat with my old classmates and catch up with them on how their new school is, I can also play games and challenge my friends.
Overall Facebook is a Fun application.